Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Licking the Spoon

I love to bake, but don't do it too often anymore because I really don't need the extra fat and calories.  But nowadays I have a helper or two when it's time to bake.  We made some Rice Krispy treats this week, and it reminded me of pictures I took of Jeremy the last time we made some (in March).  I was in a mood to play with paper, and created a layout today with those pictures.

Jeremy likes to add ingredients and turn the mixer on and off.  He enjoys the process to some extent.  But really, his favorite part is licking the spoon.  He anticipates the moment the whole time we're mixing the ingredients.  Once he receives the spoon, he's quite intent and deliberate about it.

Do you spend a little time licking the spoon after you accomplish something?  Or are you so busy with all those things life throws at you that you just move on to get the next item crossed off your list?  Take a page from Jeremy's book:  take the time to savor the moment and revel in it.  Go lick some spoons!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, this post brought back a very fond memory. With seven children in our family, there was never a time when everyone got an equal chance to lick the bowl when Mom made her home-made icings. So, she set aside eight spoonfuls from every bowl...for my Dad on down to the youngest. We each got a spoon of icing when we got home from whatever ball game or event.

    We went through a cake a day back then, and one of my first cooking assignments was making the daily cake (from a cake mix...but with home-made frosting).
