Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Apologies All 'Round

To my friends, family and followers who like to catch up with me and the boys...  for not posting in 6 weeks now!  Between Jeremy's cheek wound not healing and nearly needing surgery, to working again and trying to re-balance my life so that work, play and house stuff all get a chance, I just haven't had much time.

To the Peeps... for not commenting on your wonderful and inspiring blogs, and your patience with my absence in the last 6 weeks.

To all of you who have stayed at our house and used the shower in the guest bathroom...  Ryan's used it a bit and said it was fine.  We recently had our sunporch tiled, and re-grouted the master bathroom.  So for a few days I had to use the guest bathroom.  And am embarrassed by how truly horrible that shower was.  The shower head has been replaced and hopefully at your next visit you will have a better experience.


  1. life happens :)
    good to see you post again

  2. It's OK. We are all here for each other. I hope things start to settle down for you and you can get back to stamping and what you love. Good to hear from you.

  3. *waving* Hi honey!

  4. Hope things start to return back to "normal" for you guys soon!! :)

  5. Hope your "new" normal gets settled soon.

  6. No need to apologize. I am sure we all understand how life gets in the way sometimes. Hope things get better for you soon.

  7. Coucou Janice, how are you?
    j'espère que tout va bien pour toi
    Prends ton temps, rien n'est jamais plus pressant que de s'occuper de sa famille

  8. Oh, Janice please don't feel you need to apologize. I don't want you to feel guilty or bad about not visiting and leaving a comment. This group is meant to be fun. I just hope you're finding some time just for you.
